National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Staff Regulations & Byelaws

Chapter VII
Appointment by Direct Recruitment


The posts which are to be filled by direct recruitment shall be advertised at least in two leading national dailies and also in the Employment News.

A candidate for appointment by direct recruitment shall apply before such date and such form as prescribed in Schedule – 2 of these Regulations and in such manner as may from time to time be prescribed by the Council in the advertisement. The closing date will be extended for candidates residing in certain areas, as notified by the Central Government from time to time.

A candidate shall also submit proof of age, qualifications, experience and other particulars, as the Council may require.

The crucial date for determining age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications in India, for all candidates irrespective of the place of residence.

In certain cases, posts intended to be filled by direct recruitment shall be advertised, if it appears that the local Employment Exchange is not in a position to recommend names of suitable candidates; Provided that in cases of appointment of candidates belonging to special categories, such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Ex-servicemen, the Physically Handicapped or any other categories, steps prescribed by Central Government in this regard are to be followed.


In order to be eligible for direct recruitment to any grade or post, a candidate must be:

a citizen of India; or

he/she must belong to such categories of persons as may from time to time be notified by the Central Government. Provided that a candidate belonging to category (a) shall produce such proof of nationality, as the Council may from time to time require. Provided further that a candidate belonging to category (b) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Competent Authority authorized by Central Government to issue such certificates. Provided further that a candidate in whose case the proof of nationality or a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be appointed provisionally, at the discretion of the Council, pending the production by him/her of the necessary proof or the necessary certificate issued in his favour by the Competent Authority authorized by the Central Government, as the case may be.

No person shall be eligible for appointment to any grade or post to which these Regulations apply, if

a) He/she has entered into or contracted marriage with a person having a spouse living, or

b) He/she having a spouse living has entered into or contracted marriage with any person. Provided that the Council may, if satisfied, that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of the sub-regulation.

A candidate must satisfy the appointing authority that his character and antecedents are such as to make him/her suitable for appointment to any grade or post. No candidate, who has been convicted by a court of law for an offense involving moral turpitude or who has been adjudged as an insolvent, shall be eligible for appointment to the Council’s service. Provided that the Council may take such steps to satisfy itself of the character or antecedents of a person, as it may deem fit.

If any question arises whether a candidate does or does not satisfy all or any other requirements of this Regulation, the same shall be decided by the Council.

The Council may, with the prior approval of the Central Government, modify or waive any requirements of sub-Regulation (1) of this Regulation, when an appointment for work of a special nature is to be made and it is not practicable to obtain a suitable candidate who fulfills the requirements of these Regulations.

A candidate shall be in good bodily and mental health and free from any physical defects likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties as an employee of the Council. A candidate, who after such medical examination as the Council may specify, is found not to satisfy those requirements will not be appointed. Provided that the provisions of this sub-Regulation, will be subject to the rules relating to the appointment of the physically handicapped persons or disabled ex- servicemen issued by the Central Government from time to time.

Any candidate who is found to have knowingly furnished any particulars which are false or to have suppressed material information of his/her character, which if known, would ordinarily have debarred him from getting an appointment in the Council’s service, is liable to be disqualified and if appointed, to be dismissed from service.

Any endeavour on the part of a person or his/her relations or friends to canvass support by direct or indirect method for his/her application for appointment in the service of the Council, shall disqualify him for appointment.


The Council shall constitute a Services Selection Committee for making appointment by direct recruitment for each category of post. The Council, at its discretion, may also appoint a Consultant or a Firm of Consultants as it deems fit in any case.

All appointments by direct recruitment shall be made by the Appointing Authority on the recommendations of the Services Selection Committee, Consultant or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be.

Provided that it shall be open to the Appointing Authority, for reasons to be recorded in writing, not to accept such recommendations in any particular case.

The Services Selection Committee, Consultant, or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be, may recommend, in order of merit as adjudged by it, the names of selected candidates to be kept in the waiting list for consideration for appointment to posts earmarked for direct recruitment. Such a list may be deemed to valid for a period of 12 months from the date on which the list is finalized. Such of the candidates on the waiting list as are likely to be offered appointments in appropriate vacancies within a reasonable period may be informed that their names have been kept on the waiting list for being utilized in vacancies likely to arise in the near future.

In the case of vacancies of a purely temporary nature and leave vacancies, if a person recommended by the concerned Services Selection Committee, Consultant, or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be, for inclusion in the waiting list referred to in sub-Regulation (3), is not available, the Appointing Authority, may at his own discretion, appoint suitable persons in such vacancies for a period not exceeding six months, subject to the condition that

No candidate who has completed a total service of six months shall be reappointed or continued, unless he is selected by the concerned Services Selection Committee, Consultant, or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be; and

Services of the concerned person appointed on a purely temporary basis are terminated, as soon as a candidate selected by the concerned Services Selection Committee, Consultant, or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be, is available.

In case of immediate necessity and when the waiting list is used up, a purely temporary appointment may be made by the Appointing Authority, pending selection by the appropriate Services Selection Committee, Consultant, or a Firm of Consultants, as the case may be, subject to the maximum time limit provided in sub-Regulation (4) of this Regulation.

The Competent Authority, may decide whether any written or a practical test or both should be held in certain cases and, if so, specify the name of the officer who should hold the said test and the manner in which the test should be held and other details thereof.

26.When the posts required to be filled by direct recruitment are advertised, employees already in service may also apply, provided that they possess the prescribed qualifications and experience.

27.Payment of traveling allowance for attending interviews etc: In case of posts filled by direct recruitment, all journeys which candidates (including persons already in the service of the Council) may have to perform for the purpose of written and practical tests or interview, shall be at their own cost. However, candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes called for written and practical tests or interview may be granted traveling allowance in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

28 Cancellation of appointment order: If a candidate selected for the post earmarked for direct recruitment fails to join duty within the date mentioned in the appointment order and where no such date is mentioned, within 30 days of the date of issue of the appointment order or within such extended period as the Appointing Authority may fix, the appointment order shall be deemed to have been cancelled.

29.Employment of near relatives of deceased employees: Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, the Competent Authority may dispense with the normal procedure of recruitment prescribed in these Regulations and appoint near relatives on compassionate grounds as per the terms and conditions specified by the Central Government from time to time in his regard.

Part-time appointment: The Council may appoint any person or persons on a part-time basis for a specified period, not exceeding two years at a time, on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Council in this regard.

Last Update On: 28/01/2022 04:53:09 pm

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