National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)

Diploma in Front Office Operation

3 Semesters
(1.5 Years)

About the course

As per surveys conducted to assess requirement of trained manpower for the hospitality sector, it has been established there is greater demand for skilled manpower rather than for managers. All the hospitality organizations be it a hotel, restaurant, fast food outlet, resort, railways, airlines, cruise liners and other allied industries, all require trained personnel to man their operations. The National Council for Hotel Management offers five different trade diplomas to cater to the needs of such establishments which are popular with the student community as it guarantees them jobs in the hospitality industry immediately on completion.

The five diploma courses are the core areas of Front Office Operation. It is open to 12th pass students of +2 system who must have studied English language as one of the subjects. The Course duration is for 36 weeks followed by 24 weeks of Industrial Training. Currently the courses are offered under annual examination system comprising term end examinations at end of the year. Institutes also conduct mid-term examinations comprising theory and practicals.

Applications are invited by individual affiliated Institute of Hotel Management through advertisement in leading local newspapers released during the month of June each year and selection made through a transparent selection process.

Each diploma program equips students in the basic areas of specialization and institutes provide hands on training to students in the institute kitchens and laboratories.

Last Update On: 28/01/2022 05:18:29 pm

Career Opportunities

Announcement Notifications

Eligibility for Admission

Course Fees

Please check with respective Institutes.
Last Update On: 22/07/2017 10:23:49 am

Selection Criteria

Institutes & Seats Availability

Total Seats Available : 350

Name City Phone / Email / Website Seats Available
Institute of Hotel Management Srinagar

(T) 0194-2312234
(M) 09419026127, 8825078085
(F) 0194-2311652
Institute of Hotel Management Jaipur

(T) 0141-2202812
(T) 0141-2200402

(M) 07665222259
(F) 0141-2200402

ihm_jpr[at]rediffmail[dot]com (E-mail)
Name City Phone / Email / Website Seats Available
State Institute of Hotel Management Balangir

(M) 09437030720

(M) 09861248751

principal[at]sihmbalangir[dot]org (E-mail)
State Institute of Hotel Management Jodhpur

(M) 09407021517, 7987803228 

sihmjodhpur[at]rediffmail[dot]com (E-mail)
Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management Chandigarh

(M) 09779998086



cihm42[at]gmail[dot]com (E-mail)
State Institute of Hotel Management Dholpur Dholpur

Office – 05642-299088

Mobile- 9928746162

Mobile- 7877233386

State Institute of Hotel Management Jhalawar Jhalawar

Mob: 9829383057

Office: 07432294998
State Institute of Hotel Management Madhopur Sawai Madhopur

M : +917737580379

State Institute of Hotel Management Agartala Agartala Office- 0381-2914036 Mobile- 6002747740 Mobile- 9706647734
Name City Phone / Email / Website Seats Available
Name City Phone / Email / Website Seats Available
Food Craft Institute Darjeeling

(T) 0354 2252466

(F) 0145 2644586

(E) fcidarjeeling[at]rediffmail[dot]com

Last Update On: 16/08/2024 09:13:34 am

Reservation of Seats

Admission Calendar

Counselling Schedule

Merit Scholarships And Financial Assistance

Direct admission to Rank Holders

Admissions for International Students and NRI

How to Apply (Brochure/ Application Form)

Withdrawal/ Fee Refund Policy

--- Coming Soon ---

Question Paper

Admit Card

Admission Result

Download Forms


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For any query regarding this website, Please contact Web Information Manager : Dr. P.D Lakhawat, Director (A&F),
Email : diraf-nchm[at]nic[dot]in

Last Updated on : 01-10-2024 | Visitor Count : 4214103

©2018 National Council For Hotel Management And Catering Technology