National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Staff Regulations & Byelaws

Chapter IX
Appointment by Deputation

The Council may appoint officers from outside the Council by transfer or deputation including short term contract, in accordance with the provisions of the Recruitment Rules, by the following methods:

Deputation including short-term contract by officers from Central Government, State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Universities/Institutions, Scientific and Technical Organizations etc., who will come for a limited prescribed period, by the end of which will revert to his parent cadre;

Transfer by officers from Central Government or State Government only, who may be absorbed in the post/grade, if required;

Transfer on deputation (including short term contract)/Promotion, is prescribed in the Recruitment Rules when the field of promotion (feeder grade) is small so that the departmental officer is considered along with outsiders:   Provided that if the departmental officer is selected for appointment to the post, it is to be treated as having been filled by promotion; otherwise the post is to be   filled by deputation/short term contract for the prescribed period of deputation/short term contract at the end of which the departmental officer will   again be afforded an opportunity to be considered for appointment to that post. Provided further, that the departmental officer in the field of promotion who,   according to the provisions of the notified Recruitment Rules, is in the direct line   of promotion, will not be considered for appointment by deputation. Similarly, the deputationists shall not be eligible for being considered for appointment by   promotion.

Procedure to be followed for Appointment by Transfer on Deputation including Short-Term Contract:

An accurate assessment of vacancies will be made sufficiently in advance to follow the prescribed procedure properly and ensure that the post does not remain vacant for want of an incumbent

The vacancy circular should be given wide publicity so as to tap all sources prescribed in the Recruitment rules

The vacancy circular will be published in the ‘Employment News’.

The minimum time allowed for receipt of nominations will be 2 months: Provided that, where there are compelling reasons to fill up the vacancy on urgent basis, a shorter time limit, which should not be less than 6 weeks, may be prescribed with the approval of the Appointing Authority.

The vacancy circular circulated and published in the ‘Employment News’ should contain all the salient features and requirements prescribed in the Recruitment Rules.

6.The applications for appointment will be in the format given in the Schedule – 3  of these Regulations.

Last Update On: 28/01/2022 05:02:19 pm

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