National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Aims & Objectives

Aims and objectives of National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology and its role as the apex formation in the country to ensure co-ordinated growth and development of hospitality education through its affiliated institutes are elaborated in its Memorandum of Association which among other things, mandates the Council to effectively discharge functions such as:

  • Formation guidance and coordination of various types of studies, knowledge and research inclusive of Graduate and Post Graduate  studies   in the field of Food Management, Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition and allied skills and crafts;
  • to affiliate institutions concerned with the subject and prescribe courses of study and instructions leading to examinations conducted by it;
  • to prescribe standards for buildings and equipment of affiliated institutions;
  • to prescribe educational qualifications and other standards for the members of staff of affiliated institutions; and where necessary, to depute them for their further training etc. both inside and outside the country;
  • to prescribe educational and other qualifications for admission of students to affiliated institutions;
  • to prescribe the manner of admission of students to the affiliates institutions;
  • to admit candidates to examinations conducted by it;
  • to conduct examinations for promotion from lower to higher classes and also for awarding certificates, diplomas and degrees;
  • to publish results of examinations conducted by it;
  • to grant certificates, diplomas and degrees to students who have completed the prescribed courses of study in an affiliated institution and have passed the examinations conducted by it;
  • to cooperate with other authorities and bodies in such manner and for such purposes as may be necessary for giving effect to the objects of the Society;
  • to promote the general advancement of education, technical and otherwise, amongst members of and those connected with, and the educational and professional interests of the Hotel and  Catering industries;
  • to devise and impose means for testing the qualifications of persons already working in the industry to grant recognition to their professional attainments and to form Rules and Bye-laws for such recognition and all matters incidental thereto;
  • to advise the Government on coordinated development of Hotel Management & Catering Technology education and training regarding the same; and on such other matters as the Government may require;
  • to do all other such lawful acts and things as may be necessary or incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the Society;
  • to acquire, hold and dispose of property in any manner whatsoever provided that the prior approval of the Central Government is obtained in the case of acquisition or disposal of immovable property;
  • to deal with any property belonging to or vested in the Society in such manner as the Society may deem fit for advancing its functions;
  • to borrow and raise money with or without security or the security of any Mortgage, hypothecation or pled of the overall or any of the immovable properties belonging to the Society or in any other manner whatsoever;
  • to start, conduct, print, publish and exhibit any magazines, periodicals, newspapers, books, pamphlets or posters that may be considered desirable for the promotion of the objects of the Society;
  • to receive grants-in-aid, donations, etc. from the Government and if considered necessary, other persons and the grants etc. so received will be utilised solely in furtherance of the objects of the Society and in accordance with any conditions imposed by the Government;
  • to create and maintain a Fund to which shall be credited:
    • all moneys provided by the Government of India and other Governments/Institutions;
    • all fees and other charges received by the Society;
    • all moneys received by the Society by way of grants, gifts, donations, bequests or transfers, and
    • all moneys received by the Society in any other manner or from any other sources.
  • to deposit all moneys credited to the fund created and maintained under sub-clause (u) in such banks or to invest them in such manner as the Society may decide;
  • to draw, make, accept, endorse and discount cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments, and for these purposes to sign, execute and deliver such assurances and deeds as may be necessary;
  • to pay out of the funds belonging to the Society or out of any particular part of such funds the expenses incurred by the Society from time to time including all expenses incidental to the formation of the Society and management and administration of any of the foregoing objects including all rents, rates, taxes, outgoings and the salaries of the employees;
  • to carry out such other duties as may be imposed upon it by the Central Government from time to time.
Last Update On: 28/01/2022

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For any query regarding this website, Please contact Web Information Manager : Dr. P.D Lakhawat, Director (A&F),
Email : diraf-nchm[at]nic[dot]in

Last Updated on : 13-02-2025 | Visitor Count : 4517526

©2018 National Council For Hotel Management And Catering Technology